Shaping Smarter Learning

We’re NCFE: an educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning. We combine over 170 years of education experience with deep insight, working with a network of expert collaborators to galvanise the technical and vocational education sector around the greatest learning needs and to shape smarter solutions. In doing this, we’re working for a fairer education system for all learners to power inclusivity and choice.  

In 1848, we were born from the belief that no learner was left behind. Today, we’re taking up that cause with fresh energy. “We believe that through shaping smarter learning, we can help to build a fairer society.”

David Gallagher, NCFE Chief Executive

Our reach

As the third biggest technical and vocational awarding organisation in the UK, we certificate hundreds of thousands of learners each year. But our reach and impact goes beyond that, in the last year alone we have:

  • Worked with around 4,500 providers to extend the delivery of our products and services
  • Registered nearly 10,000 apprentices with over 13,000 assessments taken, with an 85% first time pass rate
  • Engaged with nearly 500 stakeholders in our T Level technical qualification development work to ensure learners will excel in their chosen career path
  • Undertaken over 1.3m assessments in the post-16 employability and skills sector to understand starting points and set learners up for success.

“I loved learning about dental nursing and feel like I’ve accomplished even more than I could have imagined, and I’ve loved it!”

Mollie Cooke, Dental Nurse Apprentice  

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“We now have over 80 learners registered to use Skills Portfolio from NCFE. More than ever, learners are embracing digital learning and through the successful implementation of the Skills Portfolio system, are becoming adept at managing their own workloads with less intervention from their tutors”

Sarah Dalrymple, Managing Director, SD Consultancy