Level 2 Functional Skills in Math’s

NCFE Aim Reference: 6035060X GLH: 55 Age Restriction: Pre-16
Qualification Number:603/5060/X TQT: 66
Level: 2 Minimum Credits: 17


The purpose of the Functional Skills Mathematics Level 2 qualification is to demonstrate both mathematical skills at the appropriate level and the ability to apply mathematical thinking effectively to solve problems successfully in the workplace and in other real-life situations.

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Functional Skills qualifications should enable the learner to develop confidence in using mathematics and provide a foundation for progression into employment or further technical education and develop skills for everyday life, where the skills gained can be applied to solve mathematical problems.

The purpose of Level 2 Functional Skills Mathematics qualifications are to demonstrate a sound grasp of mathematical skills at the appropriate level and the ability to apply mathematical thinking effectively to solve problems successfully in the workplace and in other real-life situations

Who is it suitable for?

This qualification is suitable for learners studying the following:

– Apprenticeships

– Traineeships

– Study Programme

– Alternative to GCSE

– T-Levels

– As a standalone qualification

Maths Tables Test

Aims and Objectives

Functional Skills Mathematics qualifications at this level should:

– Indicate that learners can demonstrate their ability in mathematical skills and their ability to apply these, through appropriate reasoning and decision making, to solve realistic problems of increasing complexity

– Introduce learners to new areas of life and work so that they are exposed to concepts and problems which, while not of immediate concern, may be of value in later life

– Enable learners to develop an appreciation of the role played by mathematics in the world of work and in life generally.

Qualification Structure

The Functional Skills subject content is provided by the Department for Education, who stipulate that Awarding Organisations must create Functional Skills qualifications that rigidly adhere to this content.

The mathematics subject content can be accessed from the Department for Education directly, from their Functional Skills Subject Content: Mathematics

Referencing for the subject content uses the following coding:

L1 Level 1
L2 Level 2
N Using numbers and the number system
M Using common measures, shape and space
H Handling information and data

Mathematics Level 2 Subject Content

Level 2: Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages

Reference Subject content statement Assessment weighting (approx.)
L2.N1 Read, write, order and compare positive and negative numbers of any size 40–50%
L2.N2 Carry out calculations with numbers up to one million, including strategies, to check answers, including estimation and approximation
L2.N3 Evaluate expressions and make substitutions in given formulae in words and symbols
L2.N4 Identify and know the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages
L2.N5 Work out percentages of amounts and express one amount as a percentage of another
L2.N6 Calculate percentage change (any size increase and decrease), and original value after percentage change
L2.N7 Order, add, subtract and compare amounts or quantities using proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers
L2.N8 Express one number as a fraction of another
L2.N9 Order, approximate and compare decimals
L2.N10 Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up to 3 decimal places
L2.N11 Understand and calculate using ratios, direct proportion and inverse proportion
L2.N12 Follow the order of precedence of operators, including indices
Learners at Level 2 are expected to be able to use numbers of any size; read, write and make use of positive and negative integers of any size; use, order and compare integers, fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios as well as recognise the value of a digit in any whole or decimal number. They can use numerical and spatial patterns for a purpose and calculate with, and convert between, numbers written as fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios

Level 2: Measures, Shape and Space

Reference Subject content statement Assessment weighting (approx.)
L2.M13 Calculate amounts of money, compound interest, percentage increases, decreases and discounts, including tax and simple budgeting 30 – 40 %
L2.M14 Convert between metric and imperial units of length, weight and capacity using a) a conversion factor and b) a conversion graph
L2.M15 Calculate using compound measures including speed, density and rates of pay
L2.M16 Calculate perimeters and areas of 2-D shapes, including triangles and circles and composite shapes including non-rectangular shapes (formulae given except for triangles and circles)
L2.M17 Use formulae to find volumes and surface areas of 3-D shapes, including cylinders (formulae to be given for 3-D shapes other than cylinders)
L2.M18 Calculate actual dimensions from scale drawings and create a scale diagram given actual measurements
L2.M19 Use coordinates in 2-D, positive and negative, to specify the positions of points
L2.M20 Understand and use common 2-D representations of 3-D objects
L2.M21 Draw 3-D shapes to include plans and elevations
L2.M22 Calculate values of angles and/or coordinates with 2-D and 3-D shapes
Learners at Level 2 are expected to be able to handle relationships between measurements of various kinds, use angles and coordinates when involving position and direction, make use of geometric properties in calculations with 2-D and 3-D shapes and understand the relationships between them.

Level 2: Handling information and data

Reference Subject content statement Assessment weighting (approx.)
L2.H23 Calculate the median and mode of a set of quantities 20 – 30 %
L2.H24 Estimate the mean of a grouped frequency distribution from discrete data
L2.H25 Use the mean, median, mode and range to compare 2 sets of data
L2.H26 Work out the probability of combined events, including the use of diagrams and tables, including 2-way tables
L2.H27 Express probabilities as fractions, decimals and percentages
L2.H28 Draw and interpret scatter diagrams and recognise positive and negative correlation
Learners at Level 2 are expected to be able to construct, interpret and evaluate a range of statistical diagrams. They can calculate and interpret probabilities. They can calculate, analyse, compare and interpret appropriate data sets, tables, diagrams and statistical measures such as common averages (mean, median, mode) and spread (range), and use statistics to compare sets of data. They can identify patterns and trends from data as well as recognise simple correlations.

Level 2: Solving mathematical problems and decision making

Learners at Level 2 are expected to be able to use the knowledge and skills listed in the subject content tables to recognise and obtain a solution or solutions to a complex problem. A complex problem is one that requires a multistep process, typically requiring planning and working through at least 2 connected steps or processes.

Individual problems are based on a combination of the knowledge and/or skills from the mathematical content areas (number and the number system; measures, shape and space; information and data). At Level 2 it is expected that the learner will be able to address individual problems, some of which draw upon a combination of all 3 mathematical areas and require learners to make connections between those content areas

Learners at Level 2 are expected to be able to:

– read, understand, and use mathematical information and mathematical terms

– address individual problems as described above

– use knowledge and understanding to a required level of accuracy

– identify suitable operations and calculations to generate results

– analyse and interpret answers in the context of the original problem

– check the sense and reasonableness of answers

– present and explain results clearly and accurately, demonstrating reasoning to support the process and show consistency with the evidence presented.

The context of individual problems at this level will require interpretation and analysis in order for the learner to be able to independently identify and carry out an appropriate mathematical process or processes

Further Learning Opportunities

Learners who achieve Level 2 Functional Skills in Mathematics could progress to:

– NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Mathematics for Everyday Life

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